Israeli Motorist Injured in Motzei Shabbos Rock-Throwing Attack

parAn Israeli motorist was struck with a rock on motzei Shabbos the eve of 10 Sivan 5773 as he was traveling on Highway 60 near Wadi Charamiyah, the area between Ofra and Shilo. The motorist continued traveling until he reached Yishuv Eli, where he was treated and then transported to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah. Baruch Hashem his injuries are described as only light.

An additional nine vehicles sustained damage from rocks hurled at them in the same area on motzei Shabbos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The article does not identify the rock-throwers or their nationality, but the accompanying photo shows men in Palestinian-style headwear. Was the Israeli motorist wearing the wrong kind of black hat? Was there a girl in the car wearing a blouse with too-short sleeves?

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