NYS Assemblyman Vito Lopez Reverses Course, Will Resign Monday

vitoA New York assemblyman accused of harassing young female staffers for years says he will resign before he’s expelled from the Legislature.

Assemblyman Vito Lopez informed leaders on Saturday he will resign effective Monday morning.

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver had planned a rare expulsion proceeding against Lopez beginning Monday.

Lopez was once a powerful Brooklyn Democratic leader and has been in the Assembly’s Democratic majority since 1984.

Two reports released last week detailed lurid accusations of harassment of several women on his staff, but neither report found proof of a crime.

Silver was trying to expel Lopez on the basis of apparently violating Assembly policies against sexual harassment and retaliation.

The state ethics board has also accused Lopez civil violations of the Public Officer’s Law.


One Response

  1. ith all due respect why is the filth of the world appropriate for “yeshiva world” have we become so desensitized that anything out there is fit for our consumption. please either explain why my view is wrong or apologize and refrain from posting such items in the future. and I do hope u will give this comment serious attention

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