Israel: Government May Act to Save Jewish Homes in Yosh

settlement.jpgThe government has informed the Supreme Court that it plans to legalize four “illegal settlement outposts” in a move to prevent the additional destruction of Jewish homes in a move that would circumvent a Supreme Court ruling to raze the Jewish homes. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in 2011 announced that he would remove the homes in line with the court’s decision; however, it now appears the government will act to prevent the expulsion of additional Jewish families from their homes.

The High Court requested clarification from the state on the matter and on Tuesday, 5 Sivan 5773, a detailed opinion concerning each one of the four communities in question was submitted to the court. The government now appears to be preparing to retroactively legalize the communities in a bid to save them from destruction. This refers to Givat Assaf [near Beit El], Mitzpei Lachish in the Southern Hebron Hills area, Givat HaRoeh in Yishuv Eli in Shomron and Maale Rechavam in the Gush Etzion district.

Peace Now condemns the government’s planned move, accusing the administration of sabotaging peace-making efforts by US Secretary of State John Kerry. Critics feel that such a move at this time, days ahead of Kerry’s arrival will sorely impair efforts to bring Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) back to the negotiating table.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Wow! I hope Netanyahu follows through and does something good for the Jews. I’ll be the first to say yasher koach

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