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No Austerity at the President’s Residence

peresWhile the cabinet speaks of the need for belt tightening and increasing income tax, there does not appear to be a similar hashkafa at the President’s Residence. The operating budget for the President’s Residence in 2012 exceeded 62 million NIS, representing an increase of 20 million NIS from 2011.

While the media attacks Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for installing beds on a flight from Israel to Europe, the President’s Residence has spent more in 2012 than any former president in the past.

The president’s operating budget in 2010 was 37 million NIS, 50 million NIS was spent a year earlier, and in 2007 it was 25 million NIS and in 2000, it reached 20 million NIS.

The president’s salary is 691,000 NIS annually, 200,000 less than allocated. The president spent 33 million NIS for “administrative” costs including 5.2 million for security. An additional 6 million NIS was spent for building and refurbishing, 1.2 million for vehicles and upkeep, 500,000 NIS for gasoline, and an additional 1.6 million NIS for rent and arnona property tax.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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