The Attorney General to Get Tough in Dealing with Price Tag Attacks

ptaAttorney General Yehuda Weinstein appears to be heading towards a new approach regarding so-called ‘price tag’ attacks; incidents of vandalism and attacks believed to be perpetrated by Jews against Arabs, the IDF and others in retribution for attacks and/or government policy. According to a Yediot Achronot report, Weinstein appears about ready to take the gloves off regarding ‘price tag’ incidents, to take actions to prevent them similar to measures taken against terror affiliated organizations.

The report blames the attacks carried out “by a small number of settlers” following the terrorist murder of Evyatar Borovsky HY”D at Tapuach Junction as the straw that broke the attorney general’s back regarding ‘price tag’ attacks.

Yediot explains that just as legal officials work to halt funding to institutions funding Arab terrorism, the same steps will be taken – to cut funding to schools in Itamar which are believed to promote a racist attitude among students. This is being based on publications from rabbonim affiliated with the yeshiva in which they call for “murdering innocent persons, including babies, persons uninvolved in acts of terror as well as encouraging acts of violence against Israeli security forces”.

In the latest ‘price tag’ attack a number of vehicles in an Arab village near Afula were set ablaze and “In memory of Borovsky HY”D” was spray painted on a nearby wall.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Based on what they have done in past, they will arrest all the usual suspects, and then release them for lack of evidence. Perhaps as part of the crackdown, they skip releasing them (in spite of lack of evidence).

  2. I’ve never heard of any Rav (just Muftis) call for “murdering innocent persons, including babies, persons uninvolved in acts of terror as well as encouraging acts of violence against Israeli security forces”.

  3. Bigsam – actually some Dati Leumi rabbanim (Torat ha-Melekh by R. Yitzhak Shapira and R.Yosef Elitzur) have taken such a position. Of course, one can argue that all modern warfare inevitably involves terror against civilians (“collateral damage” is the polite way to say it, though when the USA and UK did it during World War II it was clearly by design).

    Regardless of the above, the Israeli police are likely to arrest those who oppose their policies without regard to evidence and perhaps release them when it become very obvious they aren’t guilty.

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