EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Tens of Thousands Protest IDF Draft in Yerushalayim


Tens of thousands of people participated in a massive rally near the IDF’s Rashi Street recruitment center. The protest against the planned induction of yeshiva students into the Israeli Army was organized by the Eidah HaCharedis and was attended by leading rabbonim and gedolim. Despite the best efforts to keep the rally peaceful by Eidah representatives, conflict involving firecrackers, rocks, horses. and other types of violence broke out between the participants and the security forces keeping a perimeter around the recruitment office, leading to several arrests and injuries to all parties involved, including the horses.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(Feivel Katz – YWN Israel)

33 Responses

  1. Quote: “Despite the best efforts to keep the rally peaceful by Eidah representatives, conflict involving firecrackers, rocks, horses. and other types of violence broke out between the participants and the security forces keeping a perimeter around the recruitment office, leading to several arrests and injuries to all parties involved, including the horses.”

    It was a massive CHILLUL HASHEM and the Eidah leaders should have known better than to call this rally, unless they don’t care about all the hoodlums setting fire to garbage cans.

  2. This is the first time there has ever been a significant protest against the Israeli army. A few years ago, a handful of leftists disobeyed orders and they got all bent out of shape.

    We should remember the problem we had in Mitsrayim since the Egyptians were outraged we wanted to make korbons out of sheep. To many Israelis, including if not especially the Religious Zionists, the IDF is an object of worship. We are descrecrating their diety.

    The protests have to be loud enough so the Israelis will be afraid to arrest all the participants. Many secular Israelis would like nothing better than an aktion to round up the Hareidim. Publicity is the best defense. Safety comes from making sure the whole world is watching.

    To have Jews clearly putting Torah ahead of nationalism, economics or all the other “isms” of the modern era is a tremendous kiddush ha-Shem.

  3. The anti-religious YNET says 30000. As a percentage of the population, that would be the equivalent 1.5 million in hte United States. That is a tremendous number. The almost as anti-religious JPOST also said 30000. THis is probably the biggest impact the Eidah Hareidis has had since they were a serious poltiical party in the early 1920s. Back then the zionists used assasination to silence them, but with modern publicity, I don’t think they can do that this time.

    YNET calls it violent. This in a region of the world where violence usually involve mass murder of enemy civilians.

  4. Maybe someone can tell the Israeli Army that there is something called handcuffs. There is no need to hold people by their necks or pull them by their beards. They appear to lack even the most basic training in crowd control. This is reason enough to not want your son to join an army that practices such violent techniques against civilian demonstrators.

  5. Sorry to say this video looks like far from a Kiddush hashem. More like a soccer game played without ball, players or field. Why fight against the police who are trying to keep peace? what is the point?

  6. How is this anything but a massive chillul Hashem?! Look at the begining where they are taunting that religious soldierand throwing stuff at police. This entire video is despicable. ..

  7. Do the charedi rabbonim really think that the government will continue to fund a lifestyle that produces what they consider to be “non-working parasites”. True, they have no appreciation of Torah study and in that way they are messed up. But this derech of having absolutely no way to make a living is not sustainable. The charedi rabbonim need to realize this. If they don’t and don’t actually work towards a solution that will enable the youth who are anyway not seriously learning to join the army in a frum framework and join the workforce – that very youth will rebel and leave the charedi fold. It is no longer possible to insulate such youth from the very real issues that are taking place. The standard charedi chinuch approach of of demonizing the “zionists” will no longer work.

  8. The Eida wants to represent Torah leadership. They can’t even control their own hooligans. A dignified meeting may have been a kiddush Hashem but once they start burning garbage trucks and fighting with the security guards, they show that they are not Torah Jews. Derocheyo darchei noam, these people show they have nothing to offer. Their Torah is empty slogans, they don’t listen to their own daas toroh.
    A chillul Hashem, rachamono litzlon.
    Will anyone say that they want to be like them when they see such behaviour?

  9. To bklynmom and others:
    I am sorry to tell you, but the police were not there “trying to keep peace”. Although my yeshiva boys did not attend, my younger son had to pass by the area on his way home and he saw policemen hanging up signs saying “sheirut tzva’i = mitzvah d’oraysa” as well as setting up contra-protesters to stir up trouble.

    At any leftist protest people always start up with the police and get beaten up, and it’s never news. Only when chareidim get involved with police who are itching to wack them to begin with – and trying to figure out who started up first is either pointless, impossible or both – do Ynet and others call the protest itself “violent.”

  10. THIS WAS A TREMENDOUS KIDDUSH HASHEM. The “Hashem Hu Ha’elokim” from Rav Yakov Meir Shachter shlit”a was electrifying and the words of the Gedolim, like Rav Tzadka shlit”a, were strong.

    The Chillul Hashem are those who criticize Gedolei Yisroel and find fault with what they do and say. 2-3 youths (maybe even chiloni inciters) among 40,000, act wild and that’s all you and the media see. Most people who attended didn’t even notice it. For your information, a malig al divrei chachamim is a huge chillul Hashem and a sin.

  11. This happens almost every time the Eida make a protest. These young boys get violent and make a total chilul Hashem.
    Its just funny how the Israeli Soldiers are allowed to use force against Charedim (e.g.-taking people by there necks, kicking, punching) but if they use the smallest bit of force against Palestinians they get in big trouble.

  12. I had sons there, one a frum soldier who was part of a peaceful counter protest and one young charedi yeshiva bochur.. They both agreed they should never have gone, grotesque parody of a demo, with politics masquerading as Yiddishkeit.

    A way of life is not threatened, a way of social control is, with politics and power at the heart of the matter. Our biggest tragedy is self hatred and division amongst our own B”H my sons met up afterwards, Klal Yisrael is also a family but this fact is too readily forgotten with secularism and fundamentalism both ignoring Torah.

  13. to #5. crazykanoiy:

    How would you know about the most basic training in crowd control, have you served in the Amy???

  14. I would like to see what the Russian or Polish police would do to them in the 1920’s and 30’s if the did this there.

    These people should go live in France and Poland, they clearly don’t appreciate or respect fellow Jews who risk their lives to protect them.

    This is what Torah teaches them??? Hakarat Hatov, What would they all do if King David told them he needs them in the Army, the same thing???
    What would King David do to them for being Moered Bimalchus???

    They should be Kissing the boots of Tzahal who protect them
    or go move to Gaza or Syria!

    This is not torah behavior this is a disgusting Chilul Hashem.

  15. This was a shot across the bow. If the Betrayer of Hevron, Pretty Boy and the House Dossy do not back off, the next shots could sink the ship. It is tragic that the haters of Torah are so blinded by their hatred that they can not see beyond it.

    It is the unJews, the haters of Torah, that are endangering the State of Israel and bringing it to destruction. They are so enraged that they have lost both the demographic and ideological battle for Israel that they will go to any extremes, including destroying the State, to extract revenge against the Torah community.

  16. Bigsam: Those doing the protest don’t accept government money. The parties that want government money (Degel ha-Torah, Aguda and Shas) were not involved. This was the Eidah hareidis – they just want to be left alone, as they were under the Brits and the Turks (remember the Eidah is the surviving organ of the pre-zionist yishuv).

    RealJewish : Remember what happened to the Poles and the Russians. Are you really hoping that the next 20 years will see Israel experience what Poland and Russia experienced? The zionists should remember the fate of those who have gone against Torah in the past. We somehow manage to come out on top, in spite of our best efforts (we’re getting help, but not in a way that the hilonim will comprehend – we have a friend in high places working behind the scenes to save our skins).

    You asked what King David would do? A King who rebels against Torah and tries to surpress learning Torah and goes against Daas Torah forfeits his kingship and is hayav misah — are you really suggesting we should take up arms against the zionists (the way the Yishmaelim do). The Hareidi rabbanim have always advocated peace and non-violence – it is the zionists rabbanim who think the automatic weapons and bombs are the way to solve problems.

  17. The tziyonim are like our foes from the 1930s and 40s. Those in power in Berlin were willing to lose their war in order to commit genocide against the Jews. The zionists similarly would rather sacrifice their State in order to kill the Torah r’l.

  18. The jackbooted zionists no doubt engaged in their past practices of sending undercover zionists dressed as chareidim to stir up trouble, so they can then “justify” grabbing Jews by the neck, as is seen in the video and then dragging the Jews by their necks to zionist police station.

  19. bogen – can you give an example of what they’ve said or done, that makes you think that they “would rather sacrifice their State in order to kill the Torah”?

  20. However on the bright side, neither Likud nor Bayit Yehudi want to force the hareidim to become their permanent enemies (e.g. the pro-zionist hareidim parties uniting under Deri and forming an alliance with Labor), and they certainly know better than to force the Hareidim to decide they are better off under Arab or international rule (which would give the UN cover to dismember Israel, starting with Jerusalem where the Arabs and Hareidim would already be a clear majority). Also the IDF is beginning to complain that it would be too expensive to draft hareidim en masse.

    So the end result is the cooler heads will prevail, and they will find a way to avoid conscripting hareidim – perhaps by ending conscription for everyone (as most western countries have done, and Israeli likes to be western), or perhaps through conscientious objection (which would appeal to left-wing opponents of the state).

  21. It is somewhat comical to hear and see those claiming to be heirs of the pre 1948 orthodox Jerusalem community, many of those now in Jerusalem came well after the founding of the State. They accepted entry into the land of Israel post 1948 but refuse to give anything back except hate and vitriol. What on earth has been the point of Torah study for millenia when those who claim to be orthodox speak with hate and venom against those very souls that help and protect them. They want autonomy, then build their own hospitals, train their own doctors, run and man their own fire depts, whoops, can’t do that. Let alone fight and defend their own people? Cowards, cowards cowards

  22. #16 Thank you for an excellent post and may your two boys who represent Torah as its greatest be an inspiration to others.

    remember the Eidah is the surviving organ of the pre-zionist yishuv….Maybe the ASHKENAZIC surviving organ???, does not include the Rivlins & other chasuva Ashkenazic families of the Yishuv Hayashan.

  23. #24 It amazes me how you are so quick to comment on every horrible thing the Zionists do to “us”. Whatever happens in E”Y will have absolutely NO effect on your life. Do you plan on ever living in E”Y? No. But you are oh-so-passionate about all the “horrors” going on. Relax. Enjoy your life in America and don’t worry so much about the “Hilonim” in Israel. I promise they won’t bother YOU.

  24. And btw, akuperma, don’t you think you could accomplish more in shomayim if you would actually learn some Torah rather than spend your whole day on this site (which happens to be assur according to the asifa)?

  25. Shame on you all without the army who would protect. You. Do you think you would be allowed to live visit or learn in Eretz yisroel.maybe the soldier should be praised not spit at.maybe all the parasites should find something better to do then protest the true army of Hashem.

  26. I have an idea for you, akuperma. Run a red thread out your window down to the street. When the IDF comes to shmad all the Jews in America (as they no doubt will after they finish with all the Jews of E”Y), I will instruct my nephews to leave your house untouched. We need you safe and sound so that you can speak up for human rights!

  27. do none of you believe in H’
    nearly all of this is absolutely disgusting.
    you all claim to be jews yet nearly all of you are placing no trust in the fact that he is running thing and that the gedolim may actually know better than you.
    you all seem to be commenting but were any one of you there.
    i was, and i saw the vast majority of poeple there trying to stop the violence. the police and the young charedi bochurim may or may not have been wrong, but what gives you the right to contradict gedolim like harav shmuel aurbach.
    as for the obvious about charedim supporting themselves, what do you think the actual first yishuv did. the first yishuv has been apparantly glossed over by the tzionim and altered to seem more secular – this is a denial of facts.
    if you actually believed in H’ then you would realise that torah learning prevents war, disease and other disasters.

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