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Arab Violence Mars Yomtov for Some Heading to the Kosel

throwing rocks.jpgArabs at Damascus and Herod’s Gates to Jerusalem’s Old City held violent protests on Shavuos, resulting in many Yidden heading to and from the Kosel being attacked with rocks.

It took hours until the border police brought the Arab violence under control near the evening hours of Shavuos. At least 30 Arabs were arrested and a half a dozen policemen were injured. One mispallel sustained light injuries from being struck with rocks as well.

For the Arabs, it was Nakba Day, and their preferred means of celebration was attacking Jews with rocks. Police used water a water cannon and stun grenades to control the violence, which resulted in closing the Damascus Gate to Jews for a period of time during Yomtov.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem – Published on Isru Chag Shavuos 5773 in Eretz Yisrael)


2 Responses

  1. theres a picture of a bochur from america hit in the face with a rock!

    and it happened as the thousands of young yidden headed to the kosel in the wee hours of shovuos morning

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