The first neighborhood of the first new Palestinian city of Ruabi is about completed, located between Ramallah and Shechem, with approval of Israel and IDF authorities. In actuality, a second city, Nuaimah, is about to get underway in the Jordan Valley region near Yericho. That city will be home to tens of thousands of PA (Palestinian Authority) residents.
Yesha Council officials call this reality “absurd”, explaining that while construction for Jews throughout Eretz Yisrael is frozen by government policy, state land is given away as a gift to Palestinians to build without restrictions. IDF Civil Administration officials insist that the authorized construction of Nuaimah will sharply reduce incidents of illegal construction in PA areas.
Jordan Valley Regional Council head David Elchiani spoke with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, who has given his approval for Nuaimah in the Jordan Valley Regional Council area, but promises to look into the matter after Elchiani voiced objection to the plan.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
8 Responses
Akuperma should be thrilled to hear this. It increases the likelihood that the Medinah will be abolished.
Being that these new cities will become new Hamastowns…
one word STUPID
No state of Palestine with in the borders of Israel
This is not absurd it makes a whole lot of sense. There are more than a million Arabs in the West Bank. They need places to live. They have natural growth. They are human beings and as long as they are living under Israeli soveregnty they deserve the right to have their building permits approved.
BH, Hht head armchair strategists like Yanky55 don’t run either Israel or negotiations…they’d ensure further bloodshed and in all likelyhood a “One State Solution” that would be the Medina’s doom
Even Likud supports this. It is only a miniscule group that favors expelling the Palestinians, and if you aren’t going to expel them, they have to be able to build houses. The Israeli claim on the West Bank is very dubious since under both Israeli and international law it is territory under “belligerent occupation” and no more, and while there is a claim under Jewish law, virtually all Israelis except for the religious fanatics reject the idea that Jewish law has any application to the State of Israel (as evidenced by the recent activities of the Likud led coalition, and the fact that the Dati Leumi party put bashing hareidim rather than support of settlements as its highest priority).
Total insanity. The areas already given to the PA contain large swaths of empty land to acommadate natural Arab growth
To akuperman
You are factually wrong. The territories are not considered occupied in intl law as one can only occupy land that has an owner. The territories aren’t actually owned by any country and there is a dispute between who the land should belong to. The Israeli claim to the land is not dubious at all. Our claim is based on our G-d given rights to these territories and our historical connection to them. In addition, we need these territories for our defense.