Saudi Arabian Arrested At Detroit Airport With Pressure Cooker

ywbn1Federal agents arrested a Saudi Arabian traveler who arrived at Detroit Metropolitan Airport with a pressure cooker, a key component used in the Boston Marathon bombings last month.

Hussain Al Kwawahir will be arraigned at 1 p.m. in federal court for allegedly using an altered passport and lying to a Customs and Border Protection Agent about the pressure cooker.

Al Kwawahir arrived at the airport Saturday from Saudi Arabia, via Amsterdam, according to a criminal complaint filed Monday in federal court.


6 Responses

  1. This obvious stunt could be a decoy. This is what happened by the first world trade center bomb. A couple of guys tried to come into the country with obvious fake passports and there was a big deal made out of that. Meanwhile on the same plane, the real bombers made their way into the US with ease.

  2. 1. This is a bit too obvious.

    2. Why would a terrorist take a pressure cooker on an airplane when they can innocently buy one when they arrive (perhaps along with a cookbook as cover)?

    3. Aren’t they going to require licenses for owning pressure cookers?

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