HaGaon R’ Wosner Shlita Joins with Eida in Anti-Draft Protest

wHaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner Shlita has joined the kol korei supporting this coming Thursday’s rally against the government’s planned draft of bnei Torah. The giant protest is set for Thursday, isru chag Shavuos in Eretz Yisrael, at 19:00 on Rashi Street, outside the IDF Jerusalem Induction Center. Rav Wosner is calling on the tzibur to take part in the event.

Eida Gavaad HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita and Eida Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita call on the tzibur at large to take part in the protest against the gezeira, the drafting of bnei Torah into the IDF or an approved national service.

In the kol korei for the event published by the Eida, the Gedolim write. “לצאת ולהשתתף כי זהו קיומה של תורה”.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The worst case scenario, is that the zionist go through with their announced plans to start throwing massive number of yeshiva students in prison, seizing funds sent to yeshivos for overseas as “fines”, massed civil disobedience, sabotage and mutiny by hareidim in the army – all leading to the three hareidim parties (Degel ha-Torah, Agudah and Shas) going down to the Eidah Hareidis office, singing a round of “Ha-Shem hoo Malkeinu” and announcing a plan to work with the Arab League for a peaceful resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
    BUT THIS WON’T HAPPEN. Not because the Arabs are too dumb to exploit the situation (they aren’t), but before that happens the Israeli “peace camp” will realize they have a new ally and can support an end for conscription (something many Israeli “peaceniks” favor) and respect for hareidi autonomy (but not public funding). At present, this coalition (“Peace camp plus Arabs” plus “Hareidim”) have roughly 55 sets which is striking distance of a coalition, and a higher turnout among Hareidim and Arabs could put them over the top. Also note that these groups are all anti-austerity (a.k.a. not concerned with fiscal responsibility).
    BUT EVEN THIS “nightmare” WON’T HAPPEN, since Likud and Bayit Yehudi will see it happening, and will already be getting nervous over the propect of mass arrests and closing yeshivos (which Bennett said he can’t support), and will be missing their old allies (who gladly supported whatever foreign policy their coalition favored without asking too many questions).
    THE END RESULT is likely to be either abolishing conscription (it is obsolete in the 21st century), or limiting sanctions to loss of government funding, or perhaps allowing for exemption for those with religious objections to military service (which is clearly the case for anyone who follows a Hareidi position that the medinah’s creation is neither mandated nor allowed by halacha). And as a bonus, they’ll probably do it in a way that allows Hareidim who leave yeshiva and don’t serve in the army to get jobs “on the books” (something not now allowed), as the Hareidi “unemployment” is a problem caused solely by government restrictions on men working without having been in the army.

  2. when this END RESULTS happen will us readers of YWN be spared the long speeches of #1. It will be worth it for sure!

  3. THE END RESULT is likely to be either abolishing conscription (it is obsolete in the 21st century), or

    wow you figured that out only when the yeshiva boys will be drafted amazing

  4. But if the zionists don’t understand how important Torah and Mitsvos are to the Hareidim, and continue their “jihad” on the Hareidim, the END RESULT will be the zionist enterprise will be derailed and while Eretz Yisrael will still be the center of learning Torah, it will be in the country of Palestine.

  5. Best case scenario:
    Virtually everyone is legally allowed to work and the increased income to the community far outweighs any reduction in funds to Mosdos (organizations).
    Increased military participation is achieved by positive incentives (as the Minister of Defense prefers).

  6. Reply to No.1

    The worst-case scenrio you outline will never happen. Even the most extreme Chareidi leadership mentioned in this article (Wosner, Weiss, Sternbuch,et. al.) have enough sense to know that they are better off under a Tzioni Mendinah than trying to go back to a pre-1948 Arab controlled “Palestine”. As the old car commercial used to say, “these ain’t your father’s Arabs”.

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