NYC Water Board Approves 5.6 Percent Hike

waterThe city Water Board has approved another rate hike. The 5.6 percent increase means the bill for a typical single family home will go up about $4 a month, and $3 multi-family homes.

The hike was recommended by the Department of Environmental Protection, which says it needs the money to maintain services.

Critics have said residents are paying too much, and another hike is not warranted.

The new rate takes effect in July.

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. My water bill has almost tripled in the almost 13 years I am living in my home. I think they need to figure out ways of economizing rather than raising the the cost. Hashem hasn’t raised the price for water since brias haolam!

  2. HaShem hasn’t raised the price of water, but the price of constructing the new water tunnel has increased, as has the price of protecting watershed land. And if fracking ever gets approved for the NYC watershed, watch your rates go through the roof as the city Water Board will have to buy out the drilling rights of all the landowners lest the entire water system be destroyed by an accident.

    (I actually support fracking for natural gas — but not in watershed areas. Too risky.)

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