Ex-NYS Sen. Shirley Huntley Sentenced to 1 Year, 1 Day in Prison

huntA 74-year-old former New York State lawmaker who secretly recorded other politicians in a bid for leniency for her role in a corruption scandal has been sentenced to a year and a day in prison after she pleaded guilty to embezzling money.

Shirley Huntley was sentenced Thursday in Brooklyn federal court. The Queens Democrat admitted embezzling nearly $88,000 from a state-funded nonprofit she controlled.

Huntley took office in 2007 and lost a re-election bid last year.

Her attorney, Sally Butler, had asked the court to consider her years of good works and service. Among that service included meeting with government officials on corruption involving politicians. She recorded conversations with nine Democrats, including state senators, a city council member and two political operatives.

The names were released Wednesday despite objections by federal prosecutors, who said eight were under investigation.


One Response

  1. “A year and a day”. What’s the cheshbon of “a day”?
    while Rubashkin gets 27 years for something that’s not even 10% as corrupt. The Justice System in America runs on Sodomite laws or just plain anti-Semitism.

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