Mezonos Distributed to Thousands in Tiveria in Honor of the Shelah HaKodosh

shlahChassidim of Rav Kook from Tiveria on Thursday, erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5773 distributed mezonos and beverage to thousands of visitors arriving to the kever of the Shelah HaKodosh located in the complex of the tziyun of the Rambam.

It has become minhag among many to recite the tefilla of the Shelah on this day, a tefilla for the children, as the day is viewed as a special ‘eis ratzon’. Many shadchanim were also on hand to be mispallel at the Shelah as well as Kever Rambam.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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