Israel: 4,000-6,000 Deaths Annually Attributed to Hospital Infections

healthAccording to the State Comptroller’s report released on Wednesday, 28 Iyar 5773, 4,000-6,000 patients die annually as a result of an infection contracted in an Israeli hospital. The report adds that it appears 1,000-4,500 of these cases are preventable.

The primary contributory causes for the infections according to the report are the lack of hygiene by healthcare professionals in the nation’s hospitals; a lack of knowledge among visitors; overcrowded conditions in many wards; and the difficulty in isolating patients feared to be infected with communicable infections.

The comptroller adds that the lack of lab personnel accompanied by a lack of communications with hospitals hampers efforts to isolate and treat an infectious situation. Lack of hospital compliance with Ministry of Health regulations for sterilization of medical equipment and the proper use of disposable medical apparatus are listed as causes as well. These issues have been addressed in the past by the State Comptroller’s Office. According to the report, in order to properly address the situation 40 additional doctors and many nurses must be hired to address the situation.

Health Ministry officials responding to the report state over 150 million NIS has been spent in recent years towards acquiring equipment aimed at preventing infections. The ministry stresses the matter of lowering infection rates remains a major priority and efforts towards achieving this goal will continue, working in conjunction with hospitals.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Although alarming, this is not surprising as nosocomial infections are rampant in many hospitals.
    Simple common sense (hygiene) can eliminate many of the infections and subsequent mortality. Most people are hesitant to go into a hospital because of the fear of contracting something worse than what they went in for in the first place.

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