Secretary Kerry Plans to Visit Israel Again, Soon

kerbiPrior to his meeting in Rome on Wednesday, 28 Iyar 5773 with Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and special envoy David Molcho, US Secretary of State John Kerry announced he plans to be back in Israel in the near future. Kerry signaled that he hopes to return to Jerusalem and Ramallah soon as he remains committed to bringing both Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) back to the negotiating table.

Kerry has stated he feels the “Window of opportunity” for Israel and the PA to reach agreement is a narrow one and this compels the parties to move ahead towards resolving the issues at hand. The senior US official explains he is optimistic in light of the recent Arab League announcement signaling a willingness to speak about a limited land exchange instead of insisting on Israel’s unconditional retreat to the pre-June 1967 borders. Kerry has set a tentative date for his next visit in the area of May 21st or 22nd.

Livni echoed Kerry’s statements of optimism surrounding the newly-announced Arab League’s position.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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