NEW – Growing Flatbush Jewish Community Establishes Advocacy Coalition

midA newly established Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition is being widely hailed by a cross section of leading Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbonim, and community activists. The coalition was formed to coordinate efforts by disparate segments of the Jewish community in Flatbush to foster the growth and development of one of the fastest growing Jewish communities in the country.

The FJCC plans to address many of the civic and communal challenges that face the Jewish residents of Flatbush, including safety, zoning, quality of life concerns and emerging political issues.

The new coalition, representing a broad spectrum of the Flatbush/ Midwood/Madison/ and East 30’s neighborhoods, will partner with other established groups for the benefit of a community that has more than doubled in size in the past decade. One of FJCC’s major activities will be to serve as an advocate for the local community to elected officials and government agencies on all levels. This unprecedented effort unites shul and Yeshiva leadership, as well as communal and chesed organizations.

Josh Mehlman, one of the organizers of the coalition noted: “This effort comes at a crucial time for our community as it seeks to protect its significant investment, lifestyle and future. Our goal is unity because when we speak with one voice, it is a powerful and effective.”

Amongst many askonim who enthusiastically welcomed the formation of the FJCC was Peter Rebenwurzel, who said that Flatbush was “in desperate need of a unifying group that represents the needs of the local community.” He added:”Our klal organizations are doing tremendous work on the broader Jewish issues but sometimes local issues require a strong voice because of the impact that these concerns have on every resident of Flatbush.”

Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and a long time Flatbush resident, stated “I welcome the creation of this new coalition to unify efforts to enhance the community, advance its interests and quality of life, foster cooperative efforts and build ties to elected and other governmental figures. Working with COJO and other established organizations, the FJCC can augment their on going programs while mobilizing broad participation from the community for effective and impactful advocacy. Our voices need to be heard to assure the future of our growing community.”

The FJCC already has over 50 members from major shuls and yeshivas, including a group of well-known community leaders. The committee in formation includes: Avi Schron, Shimon Lefkowitz, Avi Schick, Menachem Lubinsky, Chaim Scharf, Leon Goldenberg, Abish Brodt, Elly Kleinman, Peter Rebenwurzel, Chaskel Bennett, Yechiel Landau, Yussie Zalmanowitz, Yanky Arem, Pinny Rand, Aaron Tessler, Dr. Simon Friedman, Rafi Treitel, Shmuel Kairy, Mendy Pomerantz, Yitzchok Fuchs, Lenny Wassner, Avrohom Poznanski, Ephraim Fruchthandler, Dudi Spira, Sruli Berger, Dr. Seymour Edelstein, Victor Shine, Ephraim Nierenberg, Avrohom Tikotsky, Dr. Israel Zyskind, and Josh Mehlman, among many other community askonim who are expected to join this growing coalition.

According to the organizers, FJCC will pursue the important goal of registering new voters, and encourage all to vote in both the Primary and general elections. Said Mr. Mehlman “Due to the recent citywide redistricting, it is more important than ever that our community’s voice is heard through a strong voter turnout. It is imperative that we register and vote in the upcoming elections, which will have a significant impact on our lives for years to come.” He added: “Elected officials pay particular attention to communities with large voter turnouts; many of our concerns will be directly affected by our participation in the electoral process.”

Community residents and business owners are invited to join this new community initiative in building a stronger, more united community.

Contact us at [email protected] or 347-729-1940.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. If you model yourselves after the FarRockaway/5towns advocacy group (that does not exclude any shomer Shabbos shul or school) you will be a WINNING ENTERPRISE.

  2. How is this different from the Agudah or COJO?
    If “Unity” is the main reason for this “new” Organization, how will so many Askanim agree which politician to represent us? Gay Marriage, Metzitza BiPeh, Pro life, certain building codes, street closings for “events”, etc… Some of the names mentioned above did not stand for Kvod Shomayim in previous elections (when they endorsed Weprin/Fidler/Felder/Cymbrowitz, against the Rabbonim!). You can only vote for 1 candidate. As a Flatbush resident, I wish them Hatzlacha.

  3. Wow if I’ve ever seen a who’s who list of Flatbush names this has got to be the best….

  4. The goal with respect to elections is to get out the vote, not to endorse a particular candidate. Poll watchers are very aware of which communities vote and which do not. That helps determine who gets more attention to the issues closest to them.

    Now that the 48th district has been redrawn from a “super Jewish” into what some call a “super Russian” area, our collective voice stands to be diluted. We can turn this significant political setback into an opportunity, by responding strongly at the polls. Let’s at least begin the discussion well in advance of election day.

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