NY Thruway Motorists Advised To Beware Of Deer

deeronroad.jpgMotorists who travel the New York State Thruway are being advised to be alert for deer on the highway this spring.

The Thruway Authority and state police Troop T have issued their semi-annual “antler alert” to remind motorists that deer are more active in May and June. Officials say the most deer-vehicle collisions on the Thruway occur during the next two months and October through November.

More than 2,000 vehicle collisions with deer were reported along the Thruway in 2012.

The Thruway Authority says deer are more active during evening, dusk and dawn. Motorists should slow down when they spot a deer along the highway and be aware that others may be nearby.


3 Responses

  1. Maybe they should get smarter deer? or recruit wolves to move back to New York? or allow open hunting? encourage consumption of venison? (though Bambi won’t like most of these ideas, and given the public schools record with human, I doubt educating the deer is an option)

  2. Why don’t they warn the deer about motorists or put up barriers instead of deer crossing signs that tell the deer where to cross?

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