VIDEO: Wine of the Week with Jay Buchsbaum

Kedem 1With Shavuos and the (imminent) arrival of warmer weather I am excited to be drinking more crisp & refreshing white wines.  Among the whites I most enjoy both for quality and price are the Baron Herzog Chenin Blanc.  With its aromas and flavors of sweet tropical fruits every sip is like a tropical vacation.  And we’re not the only ones who appreciates this great white wine…the Editors at Wine Enthusiast gave this wine the designation of “Editors’ Choice” as a wine they would gladly pay for and serve themselves.  So have Kiddush in the backyard this yuntif and bring a chilled bottle of Baron Herzog Chenin Blanc…you and your guests will be pleased!

For more about this wine and many other great wines, visit



8 Responses

  1. Thank you YWN for publishing the link to this video. Hopefully, it will contribute to more yidden discovering the wide range of really high quality vintage wines with good hashgacha. More importantly, such awareness will hopefully put a dagger through the heart of the sickly sweet colored sugar water otherwise known as concord red grape wine which unfortunately is served at too many simchas and heimeshe events. It has no redeeming value other than to raise blood sugar levels and deaden the taste buds. There is no longer any excuse for serving that stuff when there are so many reasonably priced great California and Israeli vintages including some of the finest cabernets produced today.

  2. white wine is not as choshuv as red wine thats hy red wine is and will continue to be used at all seudos mitzvos and kol shekan for the arbah kosos

  3. From where do you bring down the inyan that red wines are “more chashuve” than white wines? Even if there is some chazal that might have tried to make this point in the abstract, there is no reason that the “chashuve” red wine has to be a heavy, sweet “concord” wine when there are so many outstanding red vintages available with unquestioned hashgacha for both shabbos and pesach.

  4. red wine is more choshuv no question, but sweet sugary wines is definitely not lekatchile besides it’s 100% not healthy.
    Btw you can take white wine and add just a drop of red wine in the cup which changes the color to red and is as choshu as completely red wine

  5. I had thought that the preference for red wine was only for Arba Kosos. But thanks to these posts, I looked it up, and I see that the Mechaber 272:4 talks about using white wine for Kiddush, and he says that the Ramban passelled it.

  6. To No. 6

    You miss the point of the article and the video…as Buchsbaum notes, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars for a good bottle of vintage wine. There are many outstanding kosher vintages priced in the $15-$30 range which makes them available to everyone for shabbos and yom tovim or just a special dinner at home.

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