Brooklyn: DA Hynes Announces Home-Based Jail Alternative

hynesBrooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes is joining advocates for women in announcing a program that will let some female prisoners serve their sentences at home.

Hynes says the program will allow eligible inmates to retain custody of their children while they serve their sentences at home.

The women will receive intensive supervision and treatment.

Hynes is joining Georgia Lerner, the director of the Women’s Prison Association, for the announcement Wednesday.

Other participants at the news conference will include Julie Kay, a senior strategist at the Ms. Foundation, and Ana Oliveira, president of the New York Women’s Foundation.


7 Responses

  1. Cost efficient. One should ask why anyone is put in prison unless they have a proven history of violence, or committing crimes while under house arrest (or probation). While prisons are probably better then what they replaced (executing all felons, flogging, cutting off body parts, selling as slaves, etc.), they don’t have a very good record of encouraging people to stay out of trouble – and they are very expensive.

  2. What a dumb initiative. Now women know they can “serve” time in the comfort of their home, it will encourage crime amongst women

  3. Agree to some extent, with #3. What’s the point of the “punishment” if they can still be in the comfort of their home “raising” their kids. If they “cared” so much about their kids, they wouldn’t of commited the crime in the first place. This corrupt Orthodox Jew hater, Hynes, should of been put out of work a long time ago but the low information voter see’s the “leaders” lol of our mosdos kissing up to this bum on a constant basis, so what do you expect? Shame! When will you people ever learn?

  4. Home as a women’s prison? What does this say about home.

    Some commenters have made reference to the “comforts of home”. I am just guessing, but I bet many women in prison have very uncomfortable homes.

  5. None of you should really complain about Hynes. He’s the one who protects your community from embarrassing prosecution of molesters and refuses to prosecute those ho intimidate the victims who do come forward.

    Just want you wanted, right?

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