Israel: MK Horowitz Authors Bus Stroller Bill

egednnMK (Meretz) Nitzan Horowitz is sponsoring a bill that would permit a parent to get onto a bus with a stroller without paying for the stroller. Today, if the stroller is folded the child is free but if the stroller remains open, the parent must pay for an extra ride.

Horowitz feels it should be easier for parents to ride the bus, not more difficult. He also feels it is more dangerous for a baby to be in one’s arms on a bus as opposed to inside a stroller. He points out the current policy does not encourage parents to use the bus, and a short trip too often becomes a major operation, not mention dangerous as a parent has to fold a stroller and manage to hold a child and pay for the ride.

The bill appears to enjoy widespread support in Knesset.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Something is seriously wrong if something of this nature requires an act of parliament. That applies serious misfeasance in the people running the transit system.

  2. The current situation is especially ridiculous, since fancy modern strollers take up more floor space when folded; unless they are of (ancient) “umbrella” type.

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