Over 2,500 Mispallalim at Kever Yosef

keveryosefThe IDF was out in force to permit over 2,500 mispallalim to reach Kever Yosef in PA (Palestinian Authority) occupied Shechem on Sunday night, the eve of 26 Iyar 5773, the 41st day of the Sfira, which is associated with Yosef HaTzaddik, Yesod SheBayesod.

More than thirty buses carried mispallalim to Kever Yosef after 22:00, permitting them to daven until closing the area of Jews once again by 05:00.

PA media sources report at one point the mispallalim were attacked with rocks and the IDF responded with teargas.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Baruch Hashem for am yisroel that will be mispallel at a tzaddik atzom, Yosef and toda to the IDF for letting this happen.

  2. And to all those who delude themselves into believing that E”Y would be better off without a State, do you also believe that this event (and, I might add, davening at the Kosel whenever you feel like doing so), would be possible under foreign rule? Study some history, dopes.

  3. There are a limited number of things one is allowed to shed blood for (avoiding sexual crimes, avoiding avodah zara, avoiding shedding blood). Davening at a famous tomb isn’t worth one drop of Jewish blood – and we’ve lost close to 50K in this war, so far, and its not close to being over yet.

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