Minister Ariel Sends a Reassuring Message to Chareidim

arielIn an address to an annual Chabad conference for principals of mosdos Chabad in Eretz Yisrael, Minister of Housing (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Ariel delivered a message of calm. He promised that his party will do everything possible to strengthen the Torah world and not the opposite.

Ariel was a guest of honor at the annual Chabad conference held in the Ramada Hotel in Yerushalayim. Ariel is a longtime friend of Chabad and promised to do his best to continue assisting mosdos Chabad. Ariel is clearly a supporter of Chabad’s hashkafa of a Greater Eretz Yisrael.

Ariel tried to calm the participants, sending a message to the entire chareidi tzibur, explaining yeshivos will continue to grow and prosper and not the opposite chas v’sholom. He spoke of the need to build the world of Torah as well as Eretz Yisrael, vowing he will do everything possible that “The Torah will not be forgotten from Israel”. He praised Chabad and its activities in Eretz Yisrael and around the world, explaining that just like Chabad shluchim act as emissaries to bridge the Jews who are unaffiliated, he feels that he too is an emissary, from the government, to assist Chabad in all aspects of its vital work.

Also present at the kenos was Deputy Minister of Religious Services (Bayit Yehudi) Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, who spoke of his plan for rabbonim in kehillos towards bringing unaffiliated Jews back into the fold.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. And did the message include the phrase “and we will not conscript yeshiva students…”

    When you stick a knife in someone’s back, what you say while twisting the knife is largely irrelevant.

  2. Chareidi ideas of “violence” tend to run towards dirty diapers (largely unknown among hilonim – which is a sort of blessing since it means they’ll eventually go extinct) and burning trash inside of metal trash cans. All Chareidim want to do is be left alone, in peace, to learn Torah and do mitsvos. It’s a very simple life. Sometimes we have hobbies – like making money – but in the final analysis, that is no more than something to do in one’s spare time.

    The zionists, when they get angry tend to be quite violent. They knock down people’s houses. They bomb people. They throw them in prisons. They seize their property. They do this both to the non-Jews, as well as to any Jews who cross them up (just ask our cousins from Gush Katif). That’s what nationalism does to you. They wanted to be a nation like all other nations, and they have been successful in descending to the depths of depravity that is inherent in the nations of the world.

    When the realize the hareidim weren’t going to descend with them, they panicked. Remember the “dirty diapers”. At current rates in a few generations the two leading parties in the kenesset will be Degel Ha-Torah and Shas. The zionist figure that if they can drag enough Jews away from learning Torah, they can coerce enough of them into being secular that they can save their zionist dream of a nation free of Torah.

  3. 5, why? It’s the 100% truth. Not only are the charedim stabbing Israel in the back, they are stabbing themselves in the back by being childish to an extreme.

  4. Except that the Chareidim are winning. So, clearly, whatever they are doing they are doing right.

    Draft or no draft, the Chareidim will not be enlisting in the zionist army in any greater numbers in 10 years than they are today.

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