Deri: I Want to Bring Israelis Closer Together

deriShas leader MK Aryeh Deri on Sunday evening 25 Iyar 5773 granted an interview to Channel 10 TV News. Deri was asked to explain his vision, his raison d’être for returning to politics.

Deri, who returns to the head the party after a 13-year break from the political arena stated that over recent years he has had one primary agenda, and it is that very agenda that has compelled him to return. Deri feels all his efforts must be concentrated on unity, unity between all factions of life in Israel, whether it be chareidi, dati leumi, non-frum, Arab of others. He feels that Shas is the guardian of the working people and the party will have to promote achdus and do its utmost to protect all Israelis from harsh economic sanctions that may make life unbearable. Deri explains he sees Shas on the front lines of protecting the regular working and poor families from the current administration, which plans many cuts in government assistance.

When asked to comment on the “peace process with the PA (Palestinian Authority)” Deri explained that at present, “Israel does not have a partner.” He warns that a deal with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) may find us staring at a Hamas leadership if the latter takes over as was the case in Gaza. He does not believe that Abu Mazen’s leadership is strong enough to permit signing an agreement with him in the near future.

Deri supports an interim agreement and ongoing peace-making efforts with the PA, but feels at present, talk of any major long-term agreement remains in the realm of “hypothetic”. He points out that at present, Israel is too busy addressing immediate security threats along different borders.

Deri was also asked how he managed to persuade Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita to appoint him party leader over the incumbent, Eli Yishai. He responded that in the past six months he did not discuss the leadership issue with the rav. He added Rav Ovadia was simply fulfilling his promise, explaining when Yishai was appointed to replace him the former was informed that his appointment was temporary, until such time that Deri returns.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. 1. He has to unify his friends ( or at least, those who he gets along with ideologically).

    2. His discussion of potential allies since he is interested in more than harvesting patronage as a junior partner. He’s aiming for the top: a Shas led government Note his statment “unity between all factions of life in Israel, whether it be chareidi, dati leumi, non-frum, Arab of others”. (Not impossible: If Lapid emerges as the new rival to Likud, many on the “left” would then find a Shas led government preferable to a hard-right Lapid government).

    3. Focusing on the “poor” rather than traditional frum issues (funding for institutions) again shows a desire to challenge the Coalition (and in particular Lapid/Bennett) .

  2. He might start by asking mechilah for the slanderous and deceitful campaign the Shas party ran this past election.

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