Another Accident Caused by Rock Attacks

cOn Thursday, 22 Iyar 5773, about 24 hours after the fatal Shomron stabbing attack that claimed the life of Evyatar Borovsky HY”D, a rock-throwing attack south of Tapuach Junction ended without fatalities or major injuries, only B’chasdei Hashem. The attack, which resulted in a vehicle smashing out of control took place north of Ofra near what is called The British Police Station, south of Shilo Junction.

In this case, the driver lost control after being bombarded with rocks, resulting in deployment of the vehicle’s air bag system, preventing any serious injuries.

Just a number of weeks ago, also in Shomron, a little girl, Adele Biton was gravely injured as a result of a rock attack near Ariel, which resulted in the car she was in swerving out of control, smashing into the rear of a parked truck. Unfortunately, the government and security agencies do not regarding rock-throwing as potentially fatal unless chas v’sholom there are serious injuries or fatalities as was the case with Asher Palmer HY”D and his infant son Yonatan HY”D.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/ Photo: Itamar Zoldon )

2 Responses

  1. “Unfortunately, the government and security agencies do not regard rock-throwing as potentially fatal”

    This is total insanity! And this same Government is telling us Frum Bnei Torah, how to run our lives?

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