Condition of Rock Attack Victim Deteriorates

tehillOn motzei Shabbos, dozens of residents of the Talmonim area of the Binyamin Council district in Shomron protested the sharp deterioration of security for motorists on area roads, referring to the increase in rock and firebomb attacks in recent weeks. The protest was held at Doar Junction in that area.

A very short time after arriving at Doar Junction Arabs began protesting their presence, throwing rocks at them and their vehicles. Three people were injured and transported to Tel Hashomer Hospital in Tel Aviv.

One of them, a 50-year-old resident of Neria is reportedly in serious condition with multiple skull fractures. His condition was not believed to be serious immediately following the attack but it appears his mental status deteriorated in the hospital until he lapsed into a state of unconsciousness.

The family of the victim calls on Am Yisrael to be mispallel for אהרון בן גולדה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל .

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