Liberating Paratroopers Meet an Indefatigable Foe, Israel Police

kkGadi Meir, Chaim Shalom and Eliezer Einat, who were among the paratroopers who liberated Har Habayis in the June 1967 Six Day War plan to visit the Holy Site on Yom Yerushalayim. The former paratroopers made a special request of Israel Police, to b e permitted to enter from the Shevatim Gate, the gate they entered during wartime when they merited liberating the Holy Site from is occupiers.

During the course of the year, in line with instructions from the Islamic Waqf Authority, Jews and other non-Muslims are not permitted to use any gate of entry other than the Mughrabi Gate. The Waqf states that non-Muslims using the other gates “defile them”.

The liberating paratroopers were confident Israel police would permit them to make an exception when they visit next week, but to their astonishment, their request was denied, Srugim reports. They planned to head from Ammunition Hill to the Old City and Har Habayis. Assaf Fried, who is organizing the event, says it will take place nonetheless, even if police compel a detour from their planned route.

The paratroopers are considering an appeal to the Supreme Court the report adds “It is unacceptable that the very soldiers who liberated the area are now barred from entering due to threats from the violent Waqf thugs” Fried adds.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. So true. The state of israel works hard to show how weak they are and how easily they give over control.

  2. I once saw this as the Nafka Mina between the Dati Leumi and Charedi camps in regard to ripping Kria at the Kotel, which most of the former don’t do and most of the latter do.
    The Bet Yosef makes it clear that as long as Har HaBayit is in Jewish hands, one doesn’t rip. Technically it is, so many don’t.
    Others though, and some may agree as well, say that actually Har HaBayit is not only in Muslim hands, but even in American hands. If America would tell the State of Israel to “give back” Har HaBayit – they would! From there one of Gedolei Bnei Brak learns that it is actually in American hands, and this warrants Kriya.

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