Jewish Children Arrested for Throwing Rocks at Arab Motorists

mishtaraFive Jewish children ages 9-11 were taken into custody on Wednesday night the eve of 22 Iyar 5773 near Yishuv Bat Ayin in Gush Etzion. The children allegedly took part in rock-throwing attacks against Arab vehicle traveling the area roadways. Authorities reported apprehending them in the act. One of the children, a sixth, appears to be older, albeit a minor.

Shai Police officials turned to the parents to take responsibility for the children. The oldest in the group will face criminal proceedings. A number of vehicles were damaged. No one was injured.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Arabs – both children and adults – who throw rocks at Jews are never in the news unless someone is murdered or severely maimed. Dog bites man – no headline. But when man bites dog – newsworthy.

  2. Why is it that they get apprehended, but when Arabs (who are the same age and older) we don’t seem to care?

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