Porush to Attorney General: Why Aren’t the Arabs Being Drafted?

porushMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rav Meir Porush in a query to Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein seeks to inquire into the legality of the law being formulated towards drafting chareidim while ignoring the entire Arab sector.

Porush reports receiving a response from Weinstein’s aide, attorney Oren Phono, explaining the court has already been petitioned in the matter and ruled a change must be made regarding bnei yeshivos while the Arab sector is excluded. “Different needs and sensitivities underlie the legal question regarding regulations and enforcement of the sharing the burden issue on the Arab minority on the one hand and the bnei yeshivos for whom Torah study is their profession.”

The letter cites there are relevant differences regarding service for these sectors addressed in the high court’s ruling.

Regarding a national service alternative for all citizens that do not enter the military, it is pointed out that the government is now addressing this very issue so it would be prudent to wait until such time there is a government decision.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Sure it is undemocratic to discriminate against the chareidim while giving the Israeli Arabs special privileges.

    But then again, the zionists are trying to shmad the frum Jews, not the Arabs.

  2. Actually they are planning to. A fairly high percentage of Arabs have strong reasons to prefer living in a zionist state to living in an Islamic state, and many of those volunteer as it is. R. Porush’s problem is he can’t assert that his hareidi constituents who are opposed to the military are conscientious objectors since they fully participate in the political life of the medinah, and seek its money. Many (probably most)of Israeli Arabs are conscientous objectors (similar to hareidim who support the Eidah Chareidis) in that they oppose the concept of the state on religious grounds.

  3. About time they bring it up. They wouldn’t draft Arabs and at the most only force upon them national service. Our hope is for the Arabs to protest even that strongly. And when the Arabs are mad, they bite…

    Mr. Porush don’t forget to also raise the issue of the “elite” draft dodgers who neither share the burden by learning Torah and doing Mitzvot nor by being in the army.

  4. In other words “Because we hate you & your medieval life style but theirs is noble because they’re practicing their culture blah, blah, blah. The only recognizable Jewishness left in the governing officials of that medineh…is their chutzpah!

  5. Another question is why will the new law require chareidim to serve 3 full years (36 months) in the army, while dati-leumi hesder serve only 16-18 months in the army (over a 5 year period)?

  6. Chaim Aharon, because they know that it would take long to shmad charedim. And, like Bogen says, that’s the goal of the Zionists and always has been, there’s therefore no need for Arabs to share the burden. Those like #1 and #3 are either as naive as they come or simply agree with Zionist shita of shmad.

  7. ChaimAharon: They will probably change the hesder program. While its very popular in Religious Zionist circles, the rest of the Israelis don’t approve of them, and the army brass doesn’t like it. Park of the problem of religious units is the army don’t trust them to obey orders when those orders are against halacha (that’s why they tested religious zionist officers by requiring them to listen to female singers).

    If they ever manage to get large number of yeshiva boys into the army (not dropouts which they have recruited in the past), they may discover they have bit off more than they can chew.

  8. Why stir up something that’s not even an issue? being like Noah and just saving yourselves is not the way to go….And then they deny that they’re only in it for the money….”gedolim hador” how ironic

  9. #9- How do you and all the idiots that refer to shmad explain the fact that NO hesder boys become any less frum after serving in the army?

  10. If some go off the derech, it is not because anyone is trying to “shmad” them.

    If it was true that the army tries to make young men become not frum, why would there be army REGULATIONS about kashrus, chometz etc, that can lead to court martial if violated. To whom is my brother giving gemara shiurim on an air force base? Why does the Tzomet Institute invent things for the IDF that will help avoid chillul Shabbos?


  11. AND….

    I’m STILL waiting for someone to answer the question I have posed many times. Namely, why wouldn’t those bochurim age 22 and over and learning, offer any protection for E”Y? Doesn’t THEIR learning count for anything?

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