IDF Eliminates Terrorist in Western Gaza City

iaf apache.jpg10:49 IL: Preliminary reports from Gaza indicate the Israel Air Force targeted a terrorist in western Gaza City, the first targeted elimination since Operation Pillar of Defense. According to first reports a member of the Global Jihad believed responsible for the recent rocket attacks into Eilat was the target.

Gaza sources reported one person was killed and at least one other person was seriously injured. The attack occurred on Tuesday morning, 20 Iyar 5773.

Hamas radio is reporting the IAF strike as well. Al-Arabia reports the eliminated terrorist was tied to rocket fire into Eilat.

IDF officials confirm the surgical strike, which did indeed target a terrorist responsible for rocket fire into Eilat. The spokesman’s office released the following statement:

“In a joint operation of the IDF and the ISA (Israel Security Agency, or Shin Bet security service), a Global Jihad-affiliated terrorist has been targeted by an IAF aircraft in the northern Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire towards Israel. A direct hit was confirmed.

“The terrorist who was targeted is Hithem Ziad Ibrahim Masshal, 24 years old, a resident of Shati Refugee Camp. Mashhal acted in different Jihad Salafi terror organizations and over the past few years has been a key terror figure, specializing in weapons and working with all of the terror organizations in the Gaza Strip. He manufactured, improved and traded different types of ammunition, specializing in rockets and explosive devices, which he sold to terror organizations. He assisted the Shura Council of the Mujahedeen in Jerusalem, an organization consisting of Salafi operatives under the Global Jihad and was involved in extensive terror activity against Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers.

“On April 17, 2013, Masshal was involved in the Shura Council organization’s firing rockets at the southern Israeli city of Eilat.

“This demonstrates the IDF’s conviction to prevent terror attacks against the State of Israel.”


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