Military Leaders: Israel Can Handle the Aftermath of Iranian Strike

iafnFormer IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi told a New York audience that Israel has “worked long and hard” and the nation stands ready to handle the outcome of a military strike against Iran. The former IDF chief’s words were echoed by another speaker, former chief of military intelligence Amos Yadlin, who assured the participants of a Jerusalem Post conference that the IDF has the ability to launch a strike against Iran without the assistance of other nations.

Yadlin, a retired senior air force officer explained that while an attack against Iran is a last option, one that carries consequences, it is preferable to permitting Iran to become a nuclear power.

Another guest speaker at the conference was former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, whose opinion has not changed. He posits that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has exaggerated the Iranian threat, which he feels has yet to cross the red line as defined by Mr. Netanyahu. Olmert’s statements contradicts the latest assessment from Yadlin, who last week told a conference for the Institute of National Security Studies taking place in Israel that Iran has indeed cross the red line and the window of opportunity for action was rapidly closing, adding “the coming months will be critical”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. What in heaven’s name is this supposed to mean? What does “handle” mean after being struck by hundreds if not thousands of very powerful missiles? Why are these people living in dimyonos exactly as they did during the Lebanon and Gaza wars?

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