Haifa Mayor Rejected President Obama’s Photo of Martin Luther King Jr.

Obama FunnyHaifa Mayor Yonah Yahav sent an invitation to many national leaders to take part in the city’s photo competition, which calls for pictures of Haifa or addressing Israel’s history.

Yahav rejected the photo entry sent to the city’s photo competition by US President Barak Obama. Mr. Yahav explained the problem is not the photo of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. but the fact the photo contest calls for photos connected to the history of Haifa and/or Israel.

In his response to the White House the Haifa mayor writes, Haifa is the third largest city in Israel and home of the nation’s largest sea port, and regularly hosts tens of thousands of US soldiers from the American fleet. There has been harmony and tranquility in the city, a model of dual existence for over 110 years. I would be pleased if you would select a photo that is connected to Haifa or Israel’s history and it would be in indescribable honor to display it.”

US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapira responded on behalf of the White House. “President Obama selected the photo of Martin Luther King as a leader in the civil rights movement, one who fought for equality and closing gaps between religions.”

The pictures were on display during the past year, until the last Independence Day but the incident was only made known now. Haifa officials add that despite the fact the picture of King did not meet the criteria, the fact that the president opted to take part is an honor for the city. City officials add the president has been invited to be a guest of honor in the city.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Rev. Dr. King was a HUGE supporter of Israel and of oppressed Jews at a time when the US Government was not! This despite the fact that there was little political gain for him to take such positions at that time. Every Jew everywhere needs to know this, and his photograph should be added to the Haifa exhibit with a narrative describing his bold stands.

  2. it is hard to believe that Mr Obama has nothing much to do except send in a picture of ML King Jr. to a contest in Haifa. Where did this story come from?

  3. What a lame president. He could’ve sent pictures of the Jewish Americans who volunteered during the war of independence, many on vessels stationed in Haifa. Instead he sends a picture totally irrelevant and when politely told, he sends his lackey to to give a insensible explanation.

  4. What’s the Kenyan suggesting that MLK has a standing in Israel?

    MLK has the same standing to Eretz Yisrael as the Palestinian Arabs do…ZILCH

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