Burglars Strike the Home of Rabbi Chaim Druckman

druckmanThieves last Thursday night targeted the home of Rabbi Chaim Druckman Shlita. No one was at home because his wife at the time was sitting shiva for a brother. The rav lives in Merkaz Shapira.

The rav says “they were professionals and they used gloves.” Thieves made off with jewelry, the rav’s wallet and other valuables, leaving the home a mess.

The rabbi adds “my home is always open so one needn’t break in but simply enter.” The rav adds he left his home at 22:45 and returned at 02:00 and saw many people gathered outside the home.

Police responded, telling the rabbi the thieves wore gloves so there were no fingerprints on the scene.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. may this be a punishment & forgiveness for anything done in the past.

    better to get punished in this world then the next C”V

  2. yungermanS, what “anything” might you be referring to? What, in your judgment, might he have done that would earn him punishment in the next world? Please give details. Since you pronounced this judgment in your own (screen) name, please report what you personally know, not what “everyone knows,” “the gedolim said,” etc.
    We’re waiting.

  3. So glad that #2 is an agent of hashem in this world with prophecy.
    In small moshavim, kehillos and kibbutzim — most people do not lock or secure their homes. A robbery will change that, so sad and distressing to find your home ransacked and robbed.

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