Coalition Tensions Surrounding Bnei Yeshivos Draft Numbers

ponAs the Knesset Share the Burden Committee headed by MK (Yesh Atid) Yaakov Peri works to finalize details of the new draft realities, Likud is causing as stir as committee member Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon wants to back out of the coalition agreement which sets a maximum number of bnei yeshivos who will be permitted to continue learning.

Ya’alon has always favored inducting the required number of student and permitting the remainder to continue with their studies but Yesh Atid and Bayit Yehudi set a maximum number of talmidim permitted to continue learning while the remainder will be inducted into the IDF or national service. Ya’alon is confident that without setting a ceiling, the issue will work itself out in the coming years while avoiding machlokes by setting a ceiling today.

The matter arose as the committee addressed setting parameters for defining who the 1,800 masmidim will be, those permitted to continue learning. The decision will be made by representatives of the Ministry of Education, Defense Ministry and vaad of roshei yeshivos.

The military delegate on the committee, Brigadier-General Gadi Agmon feels the roshei yeshiva will never agree to such an arrangement. Likud Minister Limor Livnat suggested conducting a lottery to determine the 1,800. Ya’alon announced that he remains to such an arrangement in principle, thereby defying the coalition guidelines agreed to by all the parties, including Likud.

Ya’alon feels it is best to permit the new process to begin without setting a maximum number to avoid the chareidim going on the defensive. He feels during the coming five years, it would be best to draft the number of talmidim required and ignore the remainder. He feels the correct way to approach this is by giving incentives and one serving in the IDF would benefit more than one serving in a national service as opposed to one who remains in yeshiva.

Committee Chair Peri feel’s Ya’alon’s position is unacceptable and he is unwilling to move forward without setting a number, a ceiling for the maximum number of talmidim who will be permitted to continue studying.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Any “quota” will be as unacceptable now as it was under the czar. It doesn’t matter if a kid is a BT, half Russian and half Moroccan (cited as examples of low-protecktsia minorities), and some mixture of crazed Lubbie and Na Na type —- if anyone is dragged away from yeshiva there will be a confrontation. The hilonim feel that if they somehow exempt the “hashuva” kids – the children of the political leaders of the hareidi community who would be covered by a quota, they can draft the rest.

    The zionists like to believe they are the “Third commonwealth”. At the rate they are going, they won’t even last as long as the Hashmonayim. Unless they give up on conscription of hareidim (perhaps switchng to economic incentives to volunteer), the civil disobedience and massed draft resistance (something that has occured before in Israel) will undermine the zionist state.

  2. Anyone else out there in YWNland who wants to place a friendly wager that this, just like a lot of other programs in EY, will be full of govt corruption?

  3. #2, maybe young Chareidi men who are itching for an excuse to do the army and get jobs will enlist “aginst their will”.

    #3, you are motzi shem ra on 7 million Jews.

  4. #3 Corruption is abundant in the government, among MKs and their affliates and in most businesses.
    Inheritance, Protekia, and ‘behind the back’ deals is the Mid East way of live. It is not only a secular way of functioning,,,,,,,,,BTW.

  5. correction of typo:

    Unless they give up on conscription of hareidim (perhaps switchng to economic incentives to volunteer), the civil disobedience and massed draft resistance (something that has NEVER occured before in Israel) will undermine the zionist state.

    Explanation: While there has been draft evasion, the number of people refusing to serve in the military has been limited to a handful. While there have been many protests, something such as the pending massive draft resistance and peaceful refusal to obey the government is unprecedented. It will shake the medinah to its core, and undermine its international position. Perhaps fatally.

  6. To: #2, maybe young Chareidi men who are itching for an excuse to do the army and get jobs will enlist “aginst their will”.

    They already do and have always done. There has never been a problem with hareidi boys enlisting. There have always been hesder yeshivos. Some are motivated by zionist patriotism, perhaps some just don’t like goyim, some might be totally mercenary desiring to get permission to take jobs outside of the hareidi community – but they have been doing so all along.

    In fact, the new conscription policy may discourage them from enlisting. With Bennett and Lapid crying “me neged ha-Shem itano = who is against ha-Shem with us”, many who enlisted before might now feel that is would be a hillul ha-Shem to do so.

  7. Yaalon is probably right that there will be enough students whom, with good incentives, will choose to enlist. But how can he talk about fulfilling the “required number of student and permitting the remainder to continue with their studies”? Isn’t everyone who meets the age and health criteria going to be dratted? Or is this some type of hopeful numbers game?

  8. apokerma: You (and some others) have now for months-and years-predicted (ch.v) the demise of the medinah(no thought given to the six million jews, but that for another time)and, of course, nothing of the kind has happened. However, you still continue to preach doom and gloom- in this matter, you have the one advantage because you will always say- wait till next year! wait till next crisis! wait till next decade! and,of course, if nothing happens, you just continue to escalate the delusion. So,please save us your “divrei nevi-us”…you know what they say about “nevi’im” after the churban habayis..

  9. #8 – Under the Bennett/Lapid plan there is no ‘forced conscription’ merely a reversal of incentives to both the bochurs and the yeshivas/kollels.

    The assumption is that many, many charedi bochurs yearn to serve and that after the social terrorism that they face today(you know the routine: if you serve your siblings won’t get shidduchim, will lose their position etc.) is eroded they will serve with motivation and, God willing, with distinction. Those who don’t wish to serve won’t serve – but they will no longer be supported either.

    As for your sick desire to see the State of Israel destroyed, may HKB”H send you refuat hanefesh.

  10. #2:
    The zionists like to believe they are the “Third commonwealth”.

    They’re more like the “Third Reich”…

  11. ROB, what gave you the right to curse another Jew in your comment to Health, similar to what another “Religious Zionist” did in the forums the other week?
    I was shocked the first time it happened, but to see this ugly aveirah repeated, and this time, by a “Rabbi (of Berlin)”, is even more shocking.

    Some of the more appropriate maamarei chaza”l regarding Zionism and its supporters go something like “Aveira goreres avaeira” and “Kol HaMiracheim al HaAchzar sofo lihyos achzar al haMiRacheim”.

    Incidentally, your quote of “VaChamushim…” is rather deficient. You might want to look up that passuk before misquoting it as you did here. In my humble opinion, it’s not befitting a “Rabbi” (or, for that matter, anyone else who received at least a Yeshiva HS education) to badly misquote a passuk as you did.

  12. #14 Galicianer, your remark mirrors one of the antisemites’ most egregious libels and you deliver it just as axiomatically. If you think there’s substance behind it, please present it. If not, retract it.

  13. #6 Zionflag says “Corruption is abundant in the government, among MKs and their affliates and in most businesses.
    Inheritance, Protekia, and ‘behind the back’ deals is the Mid East way of live. It is not only a secular way of functioning.” You must have many, many whistle-blowing stories to share with us, seeing how you know the state of corruption among “affliates” and “most businesses.” Please tell us one. Describing the corruption of your spelling habits doesn’t count. Neither does describing how your shul hands out aliyot.

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