Court: ‘WoW’ Not Breaking the Law Wearing Taleisim At The Kosel

koselThe Jerusalem District Court on Thursday, 16 Iyar 5773 ruled that Women of the Wall (WoW) are not in violation of the law when wearing taleisim or tefilin at the Kosel. The court ruled it does not view such action as a violation of the local custom and it does not deem such actions as being a provocation. Therefore, the court feels there is no justification for detaining or arresting women that do engage in these actions. The court disagrees with the Israel Police interpretation of the Supreme Court ruling of 2003, and the district court feels women may indeed have their own minyan and they are not compelled to do so only in the Robinson’s Arch area as police have maintained over the years. Justice Moshe Sobel upheld the recent ruling of the lower court, the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, handed down about two weeks earlier.

Needless to say the ruling is lauded by WoW leaders and members, who see this as a major breakthrough in their ongoing battle at the Kosel, one that has been ongoing for many years, every rosh chodosh.

Justice Sobel made his interpretation of the high court ruling clear, that it is a “recommendation” and therefore, there is latitude to permit the women to daven with a tallis and tefilin at the Kosel as they desire. He added that the very same ruling compelled refurbishing Robinson’s Arch within a 12 month period to make it suitable for the minyan, and to date, this has not been carried out.

The court’s decision was received with cheers by the Conservative and Reform Movements, and the women announced they will be out in large numbers this coming rosh chodesh, Sivan.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Now if we can also stop the arrests of Jews praying on the Har HaBayit as well, Israel will cease to be the only country in the world to arrest Jews simply for praying.

  2. All I can say is that may Hashem crush, eliminate, destroy and uproot Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism, very soon, Amen!!!

  3. The court ruled it does not view women wearing taleisim or tefilin at the a violation of the local custom. What planet is this court from?

  4. In an interesting aside, Judge Sobel is an alumnus of Yeshivat Chevron (Givat Mordechai) and, reportedly, one of his chevrutas there was Arye Deri.

  5. @#1
    Would you be so quick to forgive if a loved one of yours was being offended?
    See Path of The Righteous (Mesilas Yeshorim) about the Mida of Chasidus about how one should be offended when Hashem is being wronged.

  6. dafyomi2711: Rosh Chodesh has always been particularly special for women. For example, Gemara Megilla 22b says they don’t do melacha on Rosh Chodesh. I am NOT saying that this entitles them to wear tallis and tefilin. I am ONLY suggesting an answer to the specific question of why they make a big deal out of Rosh Chodesh.

  7. No Ms Hoffman, you did it because you are an exhibitionist. You were a nothing without a cause. Now you are a nothing with a cause. You are a soldier in the war against the Torah. “Diversity” is just license to break convention. Would you respect my right to diversity if I want to cook and eat human flesh in the kosel Plaza? Suppose I just wanted to violate some law that you hold sacred-right in your face? How soon will you demand that the mechitza at the kosel be removed because it violates your approach to egalitarian prayer?

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