VIDEO: Amnon Levi Comments on Yair Lapid’s Anti Chareidi Rhetoric


Prominent Israeli journalist Amnon Levi, who in recent years has released in-depth documentaries on different walks of Israeli life, including the chareidim, is among the non-frum voices heard expressing criticism against Finance Minister Yair Lapid. Lapid of late has made numerous remarks against the chareidi tzibur at large, and in his plenum address at the opening of the Knesset summer session blamed the chareidim for the national deficit. Lapid continues to explain he does not hate the chareidim but is tired of being under their control.

Commenting on his Facebook page Levi writes “How low can Yair Lapid fall, sitting in the government of Binyamin Netanyahu accusing the chareidim for the budget deficit, as if Bibi was only an accidental tourist, a partner of Bennett and the settlers, but rolls it all on the chareidim, although spending on them (chareidim) is small change compared to the settlements.

“Lapid remains a child of the rich and spoiled, from the privileged elite of the country, a man that hasn’t lacked anything in his life. However he wishes to cut and trim the funds for the poor children of Israel. His populist attitude distances me. It is so sad to see good people following such an example due to their hate of chareidim, Arabs or Sephardim – they follow this demagoguery.”

Click HERE to watch this video, which has been loaded in the YWN Video section, found at the top of the homepage. Dozens of new videos are added each day.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. “Lapid continues to explain he does not hate the chareidim but is tired of being under their control.”

    Sounds just like the skinheads, neo-nazis and klansmen:

    “I don’t hate blacks, I’m just tired of paying for them to live on welfare”

    “I don’t hate Mexicans, I’m just tired of them coming to America and stealing our jobs.”

    “I don’t hate Koreans, I’m just tired of them coming to America and taking over our businesses.”

    “I don’t hate Jews, I’m just tired of them controlling our banks and media.”

    Tommy, er, Yair is a hater, pure and simple.

  2. it is good to see that others take Lapid for what he really is: a spoiled brat who flouts his ignorance with antisemitic statements.

  3. #3 ‘Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are’ Exactly what YWN readers feel about you, an anti charedi just like Lapid/Bennett, your hero.

  4. The money spent on chareidim and settlers together is all chump change compared to the amount the government spent bailing out the kibbutzim.

  5. I don’t know if the comments here r from pople who live in EY or not

    I do – B”H

    And Amnon Levi is not considered so anti-charedi

    IMHO – iit is Davka good he rote against Lapid

    I am waiting to see what happens with Benne once they stop talking about the Charedim (and IMHO they will soon as he will cut Cahredi Funding and then he will have o start against the settlements)

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