Iranian National Arrested in Katmandu After Spying on Israeli Diplomatic Facility

arrest2An Iranian national was taken into custody in Katmandu, the capital of Nepal last week after the suspect was seen by travelers paying special attention to a nearby Israeli diplomatic complex. According to the report, the suspect was carrying a forged Israeli passport with the name “Alexander”.

Muchsin Husruin was taken into custody on April 13, 2013. He first told authorities he was searching for a store to repair his laptop, adding he arrived in Nepal as he was making his way to Europe where he would seek political asylum after falling on hard times. He later told authorities he was sent by Iran to spy on Israeli diplomatic facilities in Nepal and Malaysia.

The suspect, who lived in Bangkok since 2004, was detected spying on the diplomatic facility by security agents assigned to the diplomatic facility. It appears two others working with him were scheduled to rendezvous with him. It remains unclear if their identities and/or whereabouts are known. Authorities also learned he used his Iranian passport to enter into Malaysia on March 31, 2013, where it is believed he acquired the forged Israeli passport. He also recently visited Sri Lanka.

The assumption is being made that he was gathering information to launch an attack against Israeli diplomatic facilities as Iran continues efforts to strike out against Israeli targets around the world.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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