Shelly Silver Says He Expects NY Corruption Law This Year

silvernAssembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says he expects New York to have a new anti-corruption law by the end of the legislative session, but stressed the vast majority of lawmakers are hardworking and honest.

Earlier on Monday, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said corruption in Albany “appears pervasive” and is worse than in other states.

The powerful Assembly speaker, however, says his chamber has had a “zero tolerance” corruption policy for years.

He says he welcomes tougher laws and an independent enforcement board.

A Siena College poll released Monday showed 81 percent of New York voters expect more corruption arrests on top of those the federal prosecutor announced earlier this month.

The poll questioned 811 voters from last Sunday through Thursday. It has a margin of error of 3.4 percentage points.


5 Responses

  1. But if they ban corruption in New YOrk politics, where will they find anyone to hold office? Can you have a quorum of the legislature if the members are locked up somewhere? With bribes and kickbacks how will our political leaders feed their families in the style to which they are accustomed?

  2. No. 1: You are funny, but we have a serious problem in New York, and no one seems to have a solution. The antics of the state legislature is only a part of the problem. Another part of the problem is the extent to which individual state senators, assemblymen/women and local legislators (e.g., NY City Council) can pass out money to favored constituents. It will not get better until someone outside government – perhaps a rich guy like Bloomberg (but not Bloomberg, only because he is already in government). I would do it myself, but I am about a billion dollars short. (I am funny, too.)

    One solution that won’t work is term limits – that just accelerates the need of each gonif to take his/her money and run.

  3. #2- The solution is to stop electing crooks. While there are multiple machines in New York, the elections are relatively honest and it is possible for outsiders to win (remember Robert Turner).

  4. To #3:
    Fist things first. Get rid of Shelly! Remember, all this corruption is coming under his watch. Next, institute “term limits” on every level of State & City Government! The low information voter’s are too stupid to do so on their own.

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