NO SURPRISES: Officials: Boston Terror Suspects Motivated By Religion

Two U.S. officials say preliminary evidence from an interrogation suggests the suspects in the Boston Marathon attack were motivated by their religious views but were apparently not tied to any Islamic terrorist groups.

The two brothers, from southern Russia, practiced Islam.

The U.S. officials spoke Monday on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the investigation.

One of the brothers died in a police shootout Friday. The other brother was formally charged Monday after being questioned by federal officials in his hospital room where he is recovering from multiple injuries.


2 Responses

  1. No,they’re motivated by religion. It’s fanaticism when someone goes way over what their religion actually requires or allows.

    In Islam, it is allowed to kill “infidels” in order to make their society submit to Islam. The founder of Islam, whom they believe to be a perfect example of mankind, was a terrorist. He massacred and enslaved civilians. He also had people assasinated who spoke out against him. Islamic law divides the world into the “world of war”, and the “world of Islam”,meaning that the part of the world which is not Islamic is always considered at a state of war until it submits. BTW, Islam means “submission”, not “peace as we understand it. That’s why we can’t make real peace with them. We’re striving to live in harmony; they’re trying to make us submit.

    That’s what makes Islam different from other religions in this respect. If a Jew does a terrorist act, it’s a chillul Hashem. The Crusades and pograms all were examples of Christians not following their own religion. But, when Muslims are terrorists, they’re doing what they are supposed to do.

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