Chacham Ovadia: Have Rachmanus on the Poor

ovadia dav.jpgAmong the many state officials that made a shiva visit to Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita following the petira of the Gadol Hador’s son Rav Yaakov Yosef ZT”L was Minister Dr. Yuval Steinitz.

Rabbi Yosef spoke to Steinitz, who is a former finance minister and today serving as minister of intelligence and strategic affairs to “have rachmanus on the poor.” The video aired on Channel 10 TV News shows the Gadol Hador literally crying on behalf of those who are without the basic in life, the many poor families who future appears increasingly bleak as a result of the new administration and its shift in priorities.

The video brought by chareidi affairs correspondent Avishai Ben-Chaim shows the rav appealing to the minister on behalf of the poor in light of expected cuts in assistance to the needy, saying לגבי האנשים, הקיצוצים לחלשים. הם אנשים עניים, שאין להם מה לאכול, רחם עליהם. עניים עם ישראל, השם ירחם עליהם.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The RABBI cares more for the people, than they even care for themselves!
    May HASHEM bless him with perfect health until Mashiach comes!

  2. That’s not how it works in a democracy. The poor lost the last election. The party that favors supporting the “middle class” won.

  3. All of klal yisroel cares for and is responsible to aid the poor yet that does not make SOCIALISM and welfare entitlement programs holy and untouchable.

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