Report: Jordan Opens Surveillance Door to Israel

abdAccording to a report appearing in the French Le Figaro, following the recent visit to Israel by US President Barak Obama, Jordan’s King Abdullah II has decided to permit Israel to operate in its airspace to continue surveillance on the unfolding events taking place in Syria.

Israel and other countries in the region, including Jordan, are concerned over the ongoing civil war in that country and what appears to be the imminent collapse of the Assad regime. Israel’s main focus surrounds the enormous Syrian stockpile of nonconventional weaponry, which intelligence experts’ fear may be targeted by Hizbullah and other Iranian supported terror organizations.

The report states Jordan will permit Israel to fly drone pilotless surveillance aircraft in Jordanian airspace for their common good. Two defined air lanes are being made available to Israel. The Hashemite Kingdom will also permit Israeli forces to launch an attack against Syria via its airspace should the situation demand.

The report adds that while the drones are unmanned, there are not unarmed and they are capable of launching attacks into Syria.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Why would Obama the Muslim let this happen? Perhaps he is not a Muslim, or perhaps he is an effective leader who can advance Israel’s interests in the Arab world.

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