Pro-Moscow Chechen Leader Blames U.S. For Boston Bombing

ramThe Russian-installed leader of Chechnya criticised U.S. police on Friday for killing an ethnic Chechen suspected of carrying out the Boston Marathon bombing and blamed the violence on his upbringing in the United States.

“The root of evil should be looked for in the United States,” Ramzan Kadyrov said in comments posted online after the police shot dead Tamerlan Tsarnaev and hunted for his brother Dzhokhar, his suspected accomplice.

“They (the brothers) grew up and studied in the United States and their attitudes and beliefs were formed there,” Kadyrov said. “Any attempt to make a connection between Chechnya and the Tsarnaevs is in vain.”

Kadyrov, a tough pro-Kremlin leader whose security services have been accused of human rights abuses such as kidnappings and torture, questioned why the U.S. police had not been able to arrest Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

“Apparently the special services needed a result by whatever means to appease society,” he said.


3 Responses

  1. The United States is by no means perfect, but to go so far as to blame the U.S. for the Boston bombings is over the top. I didn’t have a lot of friends while I was growing up. In fact, I put up with a lot of bullying from childhood to early adulthood. I chose to set things right by coming to be a Torah Jew and starting a family that is being raised in Torah. Now I have many good friends and am very happy with my life. Just like me, and like many others, the Boston terrorists were capable of making choices as to how they reacted to their situation. They chose the most horrible, evil way that anyone could have. They will deserve all the punishment to which they can be subjected to the Courts on Earth, as well as by Hashem’s Court.

  2. I agree with #2. I think I heard a blurb from the aunt who claimed the photos were doctored. Unbelievable!!!
    Blame it on the victims!!

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