MEASLES OUTBREAK: Lakewood Jumps to 33 Confirmed Cases

The Ocean County Health Department confirms to YWN that there are now 33 confirmed cases of measles.

• The measles outbreak continues until at least 42 days after the last known infection. The last rash onset date is November 30, 2018 and 4 days of infection ended on December 4, 2018. Therefore, at present, at least 42 days must elapse from the date of December 4, 2018 prior to consideration of an end to the measles outbreak.

• Vaccination is encouraged and those children involved with exposure to a confirmed case may be subject to an order of exclusion, if unvaccinated.

• The Ocean County Health Department continues to support and highly encourage the exclusion of non-vaccinated children from schools, preschools and daycares in the outbreak area. These entities have the authority to make that decision when an outbreak has been declared by the New Jersey Department of Health. The age range so far for the current outbreak is 6 months to 59 years old.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. At this point, not much more can be done. Most of the major mosdos and media outlets such as YWN have repeatedly called for mandatory vaccination and exclusion of those who defy the directives of both public health officials and leading rabbonim. Sadly, it always seems to require a few korbanos before the naysayers realize how their actions and behavior have brought tragedy to klal Yisroel.

  2. its the 6-month-old child who should not have been vaccinated that the anti-vaxers are putting at risk. those adults who don’t vaccinate make their own bed. those in between, owe their condition to “concerned” parents – HaShem Yerachem.

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