Erdan Makes an Urgent Appeal to Relocate Ammonia Tank from Haifa

flFollowing the horrific blast that occurred in a fertilizer plant in Texas, Minister of Homefront Security Gilad Erdan made an urgent appeal to stop procrastinating and move the large ammonia tank from Haifa to a southern region as planned. The tank is supposed to be relocated to an uninhabited area of the Negev.

As reports surrounding the blast in Texas paint a picture of destruction and loss of life, the minister urges the relevant government agencies to stop procrastinating and move the giant tank which has been deemed an area threat many years ago. Erdan realizes that despite the experts warning of the “ticking time bomb” in Haifa, the funds required to relocate the giant tank filled with a toxic chemical have not been allocated and he fears that because of a “few million NIS” the tank may chas v’sholom lead to disaster one day, perhaps something similar to the explosion that occurred in Texas.

It appears that in response to Erdan’s call, the matter was placed on the agenda for this coming Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting, on 11 Iyar 5773.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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