Bloomberg: Senate Gun Vote ‘A Disgrace’

blom2New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is calling the defeat of gun restrictions in the U.S. Senate “a disgrace.”

Bloomberg said Thursday that “children lost” because of Wednesday’s vote rejecting an expansion of background checks for gun buyers.

He added: “They’re going to die.”

The longtime gun control advocate said he’ll get on the phone to thank senators who voted in favor of background checks.

Bloomberg said that when senators come up for re-election in 2014, he’ll support those who “do the right thing.”

Bloomberg is co-chair of a national organization called Mayors Against Illegal Guns.


5 Responses

  1. He is right and come reelection time everybody should vote for those who support life.

    PS. still waiting for the n.r.a. statement after the Boston bombing that for safety every american should have about 10 bombs.

  2. mr bloomy your a disgrace, i was very pleased to see that america still has a value system and your dirty money could not buy your agenda.

  3. Hey, Lord Mike! You’re a disgrace! You’re just an arrogant empty suit! You’re a waste of a human life! When will you learn that your financial “support/endorsement” means NOTHING? It didn’t help your Gay Marriage freinds in the NY Senate! Will you be supporting Mohelim who don’t do MBP? Everyone HATES you! Too bad some of unzera supported & encouraged your illegal overturning of “term limits”! I wonder what they have to say now???

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