Israel’s Population Crosses 8 Million; 75 Percent Jewish

kotelIsrael’s population crossed the 8 million mark, as revealed by Central Bureau of Statistics data, released on the eve of the country’s 65th Independence Day. The number of Jews among Israel’s population has reached the symbolic figure of 6 million – the same figure of Jews who perished in the Holocaust.

The Jewish population composes 75.3% of the general population; Israeli Arabs compose 20.7% of the population and number 1.66 million.

The remaining 4% (318,000) are of other religions, mostly non-Jewish spouses and children of Israeli Jews, and other non-Arab Christians.

Additional data:

* Israel’s population today is exactly 10 times of its population on the day it gained independence in 1948.

* 70% of Israelis are born in Israel.

* 10% of Israelis live in Jerusalem (804,000).

* 5% of Israelis live in Tel Aviv (404,000).

* Fourteen cities in Israel have over 100,000 inhabitants.

* Immigration to Israel has slowed in recent years to about 20,000 a year. Hence, the annual growth rate is currently 1.8%.

* The number of births is 4 times the number of deaths.

* Average life expectancy in Israel is 81.7, 5th highest among OECD countries.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Their definition of Jewish includes many non-Jews witih some Jewish ancestry who not Jews from either a halachic nor a cultural persective

  2. Isn’t there an article that one million charedi children will be below the poverty line if the budget cuts in Knesset pass? Are there one million charedi children? Are there even one million charedim altogether in Israel? Perhaps the MK means that one million Torah Observant Jewish children will fall below the poverty line……

  3. yosef, I hope you are not interested solely in the numbers of the frum. Both of us are frum. However during my year in Israel I still “took away” the ambiance of being around Jews, all sects. You like statistics- I’ll give you some. Since the Holocaust to 2013, the world has lost an additional 3 million Jews, we did not grow as a nation but actually are shrinking. Yes, our frum group is multiplying, the percentage as a whole continues to shink, thanks to intermarriage. So I don’t ask what percentage are frum, how many of us will be here in the future.

  4. Stern
    Why do you ask? If they’re not frum they don’t count as Jews, or you’re just curious?
    And who could even begin to define what is frum for the matter?

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