Unique Health Care Event!

LOGO[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]  White Glove Consulting is a Medicaid consulting firm that is certified by NYC Medicaid to guide elderly and disabled individuals (in need of long term care) through the complex process of applying for Medicaid. White Glove Consulting has strong relationships with the NYC Human Resources Administration as well as a complete understanding of the system. Based on that and the quality of their work, they can expedite the Medicaid process for you and possibly arrange long term care services (home care) within days.

Think you don’t qualify for Medicaid or you’ve been rejected in the past? White Glove Consulting specializes in proper planning for Medicaid eligibility. Whether it’s owning a home, asset(s), or a monthly income you are worried about, they are aware of all the rules, regulations, and options available based on any situation. White Glove Consulting is a company you should consider consulting with when inquiring about care for your parent(s).

Because White Glove Consulting understands how difficult it can be to care for a loved one, they will IY”H be hosting a unique health care event for the community in order to get out beneficial information to everybody that is either going through the struggles of dealing with aging parents, or to people that are not at that stage yet but should be prepared for it, if and when the time comes.

White Glove Consulting has arranged for three speakers to discuss different topics relating to the health and well being of elderly individuals. Each speaker in their own way will make sure to get the message across in regard to properly planning and dealing with aging parents.

The three speakers are as follows:

Jewish Chaplain of Kings County Hospital and Executive Director of Ahavas Chesed- Rabbi Avraham Lider, “People Don’t Plan to Fail. They Fail to Plan”.

Associate Director of Clinical Cardiology at Maimonides Hospital- Dr. Joshua Kerstein, “Heart to Heart”.

Renowned Speaker and Author- Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Rav Khal Bnei YItchok, “Aging Parents.. A Torah Perspective”.

Additionally, there will time set aside before and after the program to walk around and meet with the sponsors and to hear all about the beneficial services they have to offer. This event will be taking place on Sunday April 21, 2013 beginning at 6pm in Kings Terrace located at 815 Kings Highway.

Please see the ad for more details and if you have any questions, feel free to email [email protected].

We are looking forward to seeing you there!



6 Responses

  1. wow! i will be there! how come we never had something like this before???

    we need more of these “informative evnings”!!!!!

  2. I am a caregiver for my mother.
    This is right; Medicaid is best option for an elderly person and or if they need homecare.
    And they are also right…….
    DONT make the same mistake we made, DONT plan ahead, don’t wait till the last minute, (it was a nightmare)!!!!

    LOOKING FORWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have seen this advertisement all over the place and I definitely will be coming to this event as I feel like it is catering directly to what I’m going through right now. Do I need to RSVP? Does anybody know?

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