Israel’s Top Cop Leaving for Working Visit in USA

danIsrael Police Chief Yochanan Danino is leaving on Wednesday 7 Iyar 5773 for the USA where he will hold working meetings with senior officials, including heads of the FBI. Danino will be accompanied by a number of senior officers. He plans to meet with senior law enforcement officials in both Washington and New York City.

Following the attack at the Boston Marathon, Danino is expected to discuss increasing cooperation in the ongoing war against terror in both countries. Among the senior officials expected to meet with Danino is NYPD Chief Ray Kelly. Meetings will also concentrate on stepped up efforts to bock cyber attacks. There will also be discussion on a number of cases involving Israel Police and authorities in the United States.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. It’s a totally different game over there. They know who the enemy is- they just have to figure out if today is the day they try to kill us. In this day and age when “stop and frisk” is being challenged as unlawful, what exactly can an Israeli cop teach the Nypd that they don’t know and wish they could do already?

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