Obama Calls Boston Bombings An ‘Act Of Terror,’ Suspect Unknown

obanPresident Barack Obama called the Boston bombings an “act of terror” on Tuesday, but said it is not clear yet whether the twin blasts were the work of a foreign or domestic group or a “malevolent individual.”

In an appearance in the White House briefing room, Obama urged Americans to be vigilant and to watch for suspicious activity a day after the two explosions rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing at least three people and wounding scores more.

Obama, briefed by FBI Director Robert Mueller, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and other national security aides, said there is still much to be investigated in what was the worst attack on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001.

There is no sense of a motive and no indication as to who planted the bombs and detonated them, he said, condemning it as a “heinous and cowardly act.”

“Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror,” Obama said. “What we don’t yet know, however, is who carried out this attack or why, whether it was planned and executed by a terrorist organization – foreign or domestic – or was the act of a malevolent individual.”

The president ordered the U.S. flag atop the White House lowered to half staff in memory of the victims.

He said the investigation into the bombings is just beginning.

“It will take time to follow every lead and determine what happened. But we will find out,” Obama said. “We will find whoever harmed our citizens and we will bring them to justice. We also know this: the American people refuse to be terrorized.” (


9 Responses

  1. Terrorist; how dare you call militants from Saudi Arabia terrorist. They are freedom fighter. Yes freedom fighters, people who are trying to take away your freedoms. Sounds similar to obama’s idea of gun contrl. Don’t own a gun and don’t want to own a gun but want the right to bare arms especially in crazy times

  2. President Barack Obama called the Boston bombings an “act of terror” on Tuesday, but said it is not clear yet whether the twin blasts were the work of a foreign or domestic group or a “malevolent individual.”
    It’s about time!!!

  3. And so, I await the apologies of the commenters who, in advance of any facts, condemned the President for his ungodliness, his failure to jump to conclusions without facts, and his putts. Perhaps they would like him to restart the war in Iraq, which is what his predecessor did in the face of terror, the predecessor who jumped to unfounded conclusions even when the facts were at hand.

  4. “there is still much to be investigated in what was the worst attack on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001.”

    Another lie by the corrupt Obama administration! The MASSACRE at Fort Hood was the worst! Oh right, Hussain/Holder are still covering that one up! We don’t want to “anger” the Muslems! Its enough “we” Americans produced that Anti Muslem video! Remember how Obama/Clinton blamed the Bengazi murders on that? The Obama team is hoping & praying that this turns out to be some “White” “American” right wing fanatic. This way they can take away even more Freedoms from you! Axelrod already threw that idea out already saying, ha ha, its tax day & I’m sure a lot of people must be upset! Ha ha

  5. Obama Calls Boston Bombings An ‘Act Of Terror,’

    really????? no kidding!!!!

    maybe now he will realize what Israel goes through on a constant basis….

  6. It’s high time for the Obama administration to propose legislation to outlaw bombs and pressure cookers. In order to have or manufacture one, there would need to be a special license from ATF, and every bomb and pressure cooker would need to be imprinted with a number to be filed in a Federal registry. No one may sell these objects without a license, and they may not be purchased or sold on auction sites such as ebay. There is a mandatory federal sales tax of 40% for all purchases of these potentially dangerous objects. There is an exception for the use of dynamite in building highways or demotion. For this use, the dynamite would be classified as a weapon of mass construction, and these are always conosidered hidden or non-existent, especially by liberals and media.

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