Huge Earthquake Hits Iran, Hundreds Feared Dead

ahmA major earthquake struck Iran near the border with Pakistan on Tuesday and an Iranian official said hundreds of people were feared to have been killed.

Tremors from the 7.8 magnitude quake were also felt in India and Gulf states.

“It was the biggest earthquake in Iran in 40 years and we are expecting hundreds of dead,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit at 10:44 GMT at a depth of 15.2 km (9.4 miles).

People in the city of Zahedan poured into the streets when the earthquake struck, Iran’s Fars news agency reported.

All communications in the area have been cut, the Iranian Red Crescent’s Mahmoud Mozaffar told state television. Rescue teams have been dispatched to the affected area, he said.

“In the aftermath of this earthquake five evaluation teams from the Khash and Saravan branches were sent to the area to assess damage,” Mozaffar said.

The epicenter was in southeast Iran in an area of mountains and desert, 201 km (125 miles) southeast of Zahedan and 250 km northwest of Turbat in Pakistan, USGS said.

On April 9, a powerful 6.3 magnitude quake struck close to Iran’s only nuclear power station, killing 37 people, injuring 850 and devastating two villages.

Most of Iran’s nuclear-related facilities are located in central Iran or its west, including the Bushehr nuclear power plant on the Gulf coast. A U.S. Institute for Science and International Security map did not show any nuclear-linked facilities in southeastern Iran close to Pakistan.


Iran sits on major geological faultlines and has suffered several devastating earthquakes, including a 6.6 magnitude quake in 2003 that flattened the city of Bam, in Iran’s far southeast, killing more than 25,000 people.

This quake also shook tall buildings in India’s capital New Delhi, sending people running into the streets, witnesses said. People also evacuated buildings in Qatar and Dubai, residents said.

“I was working and my work station was shaking,” said Viidhu Sekhri, 35, an underwriter at a New Delhi insurance company. “Then it was a bit shaky so we just rushed outside.”

Earlier in the day two smaller tremors were felt in India’s Himalayan region close to the Chinese border.

An official at India’s disaster management authority said the tremors felt in New Delhi and across northern India were because of the earthquake in Iran.


10 Responses

  1. Wow – the story above this says “Israeli Military, Politicos Prep For Solo Attack On Iran”. Israel sure works fast. 😉

  2. They did not heed Hashem’s first warning last week, which ‘came close’ to their nuclear reactor but did not damage it. Now it gets a little worse each time, until they are completely destroyed or they do teshuva, which of course is unlikely.

    I am personally hoping for the total destruction option…

  3. @Takingabreak

    It’s not only “Heimishe Yeeeedin” who read this website so thank you for providing proof to the antisemites of the world that we rejoice at the death of every goy.

    For the record, the average Iranian hates Ahmadenijad and the Mullahs. They long for the day where a secular revolotuion will toss their oppressors from power.

    To the people of Iran, I hope that you get through this and that it shows the world that the government of Iran is inept and dangerous, not the ordinary citizens.

  4. Takingabreak
    Why would you hope that innocent men women and children are dead?Not all Iranians hate Israel. We want them go leave us alone we don’t want them dead. Its very unTorahdig to want blood.

  5. No. 2: I know a small number of Iranians who have migrated to the US. Most are Jewish, the balance are not. They are mostly nice people, and none of them anti-Semitic or anti-American or anti-Western. They visit friends and family still in Iran from time to time. They are unhappy with the current Iranian regime and the revolution of 1979 – so unhappy that they left their native homeland and moved to the US. There are probably many people still in Iran who are not that different than the ones I know, but who do not have the means or the will to pull up stakes and leave their homeland.

    So my questions for you are: (i) how many people like the ones I described would you hope to be killed by an earthquake? and (ii) how many people do you have to wish were dead before you have wished for genocide? I await your answer.

  6. the miserable Israeli government cause the earthquake. We will attack and go after the one’s responsible for this devastating earthquake. [written by any of the people in the iranian government]

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