NYC Mayor Bloomberg Updates New Yorkers ABout Beefed-Up Security

blo“As law enforcement authorities investigate today’s explosions in Boston, I ask all New Yorkers to keep the victims and their families in your thoughts and prayers. I have spoken with Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, and the NYPD has stepped up security at strategic locations and critical infrastructure, including our subways. Some of the security steps we are taking may be noticeable, including deployment of Critical Response Vehicles and additional police personnel, and others will not be. We have 1,000 members of the NYPD assigned to counter-terrorism duties, and they – along with the entire NYPD and the investments we have made in counter-terrorism infrastructure – are being fully mobilized to protect our city.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. LO Bechayil velo bekoach ki im beruchi..
    Nothing is gonna protectus from our enemies, not armies, not counter terrorism task forces, only Hashem could protect us.
    We must daven, we must do Teshuva, and we must look to make ourselves better people.
    Everyone please make a small Kabbalah for a short ammount of time, and show hashem that we got the message and we are working on ourselves.
    We dont want Hashem to have to send us more messages R”L!!

  2. layehudim, does that mean we should not take any measures to protect ourselves? throughout history, whenever there was danger, jews have armed themselves with prayer AND weapons….

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